How to search for people by RUT (Chile)

In Chile, if you need to search for information about a person (be it a friend, relative or any individual), it is necessary to use the information offered by the Civil Registry and Identification Service. This governmental institution is the one that offers all the identity information of all Chilean citizens. However, reaching this information is not always easy, since if the appropriate channels are not used, you can run the risk of committing violations against people’s privacy.
For this reason, the method most used and recommended by the government itself is to make use of the RUT (Unique Tax Role) of the individual whose information is to be consulted, since with this identification, it is possible to access data such as age, signature , address and full name. It is evident that we are facing a very useful tool for work or institutional purposes, so if you have come this far looking for how to search for people by RUT, then do not worry, since below we explain everything you need to know about it.
Ways to search for a RUT
To consult the personal information of a person through their RUT number in Chile, it is necessary to access a database that contains and protects all this information. This database is managed through different platforms that can be accessed for free through the internet, either using an app for mobile devices, or the website provided by the Chilean government. Knowing this, below we explain what you should do in each case.
From the app
One option that can be very helpful if you are in the hiring process and want to consult the information of many people, is to download the Rutificador app , which will allow you to access all the referring information by means of a RUT number or by name. To know how to search through this app, follow these instructions:

- Download the Rutifier app from the Play Store.
- Start the app and choose between the options Search by RUT or Search by name.
- If you only know the person’s first and last name, choose the second option.
- Fill in the field with the RUT number or first and last name and press Search.
- Wait for the interface to load and you will see the search results.
From the browser
Another way to quickly consult RUT (either using the RUT number or Name and surname), is from the RutChile website. To do this, access the platform from the browser of your choice. If you don’t know how to do it, here is the step by step you should follow:
- From your web browser, access RutChile from this link:
- In the More information on routifier section, you must enter the name and surname of the person you want to consult and press Get data now!
- When you do, you will be able to see the details of the person you have consulted.
Other Internet pages to search RUT
In addition to the mentioned page, there are other platforms that will allow you to search for people by RUT in Chile. These pages work exactly the same way as RutChile and offer reliable information in a few seconds. Here we list what these alternatives are:
- Namerutyfirma
- ValidaRUT
We hope that with all this information you will not have problems when making your inquiries, Good luck!