Meet the SSH Termius client, an extension for the Google Chrome browser

If you have an SSH server to connect to quickly and easily, Termius is a powerful SSH client in the form of an extension for the Google Chrome browser, but in this case it is “special”, since it is developed as a standalone Chrome application, this wants To say that it does not run in a tab but that it will appear in the applications of our operating system that we use, this being one of its star features.
How to install Termius SSH
The first thing we must do once the Google Chrome browser is open is to go to the following direct link. Once we are in the link that we have provided, you just have to click on “add to Chrome”, located on the right side and it will be installed.

Start-up and operation of Termius SSH
First of all and the first thing we must know is the connection data of the SSH server that we will need later, that is, we will need to know the IP or domain, the listening port of the SSH server, and also the access keys to the server via SSH .
Once we know the access data, the next step is to go to our programs and find one called ” Termius – SSH Client ” and run it. The first time we run it, we will get a warning that the program no longer uses the ” Chrome app ” and encourages us to download the Windows version. You can ignore it if you want, since this version is fully functional.
Once the warning has been ignored, on the main screen we find several important menus, the first one at the top and in the middle is to connect, where we simply must enter ” ssh user ” followed by ” @ ” the IP address or host name and if the server we use uses a specific port, we must then enter with a space “-p” and the port number and click on ” Connect “.
It is possible that another window will appear asking us to enter the server and user data again, if it comes out simply enter it again and click on “Confirm” and then it will ask us for the password and we will be connected.
New Group and New Host
In the main window, at the bottom right, we have the “New Group” and “New Host” options where we can create groups and assign hosts to those groups if we wish, as well as being able to create hosts to keep them saved. Both will appear on the main screen as you can see in the image below.
In the left part of the main window we see a series of very interesting options, the first is:
Termius, here we can change absolutely all the graphical options of the terminal, modify or add shortcuts, see the hosts where we have connected, but without a doubt, the most important part is ” Keychan ” where we can add and store our passwords of the SSH servers that let’s connect. Finally, we have the ” Profile ” section where we can log in if we have a Termius account.
Port Forwarding, in this section we can configure which ports we want the incoming or outgoing information to be directed from our computer or from a remote server.
Host, this menu is the main menu, in which when we start Termius it always appears for the first time. History, as its name indicates is the history, and here we will see all the servers where we have connected.
As you have seen, Termius SSH is a great program to function as an SSH client, it is very visually pleasing and has some very interesting options, thanks above all to its simple and friendly graphical interface. If you are looking for a program for your SSH connections, we recommend giving this tool a try.