Social media

Meaning of 7w7 and UwU in WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networks

You must bear in mind that emoticons are the combination of a set of characters that represent some type of human emotion, such as a smiley face. These emoticons arise from the combination of the words emotion and icon.

What does 7w7 mean on social media?

The particular expression 7w7 is an emoticon that is generally used in WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networks in the communicational field. In order to add a spark of humor to images or complement any communication exchange through the web, both in conversations and in forums. You can also add emojis in the names of WhatsApp contacts.

As you know, emoticons in general are widely used with any tool that allows an interaction between two people through text, as in WhatsApp statuses . Hence the convenience that characters found on any keyboard can be used, as is the case with 7w7. Since, there are even some programs that allow you to create your own emoticons .

Now, for the specific case of 7w7 there are different meanings depending on the point of view of who uses it in the different social networks.

7u7 meaning

Next, we will introduce you to the most striking and popular meanings of 7w7 currently considered.

  • For younger people it represents a sad face, where the numbers “7” are in charge of acting as the eyes. The horizontal line constitutes the closed eyes and the vertical line the falling tears. For its part, the “u” acts like a mouth in a sad position.
  • For other older people, 7w7 has nothing to do with a sad face. In fact, it has a completely different meaning, employing it as an emoticon with suggestive meanings.
  • In this case, the numbers “7” act as the eyes of the emoticon, looking in one direction both mischievously. While the “w” acts like an open mouth or tongue, in a suggestive or daring expression.

What does UwU mean on social media?

We are completely sure that you have seen the UwU emoticon on any of the existing social networks today.

The origin of UwU is Japanese, where most Asian people have a more graphic thinking due to their alphabet. Also its use is very otaku, that is, very much of the fans of Japanese culture, generally representing happiness.

However, the meaning of emoticons is very diverse, for this reason, here we will mention the most popular meanings of UwU :

  • UwU constitutes a replicated expression of manga and anime, where in certain cases it is given the connotation of a small face.

woman using mobile

  • Also, UwU could represent that you feel when something gives you too much tenderness or an overwhelming sense of happiness. Consequently, it also represents a reaction to something very beautiful, moving or striking.
  • It will also depend on the context in which it is included, that is, if someone comments you with a UwU it may mean that they are flirting with you, especially if it is in photos of WhatsApp or Facebook.
  • Some people through the same social networks also warn that UwU can mean that you accept a flirtation, so take your precautions.

In conclusion, nowadays communications do not stop. Even in an era where users can count on a wide range of emoticons with various meanings and even animations on any social network. However, if not all the emoticons appear, you can add and use hidden emojis on your Android and iOS cell phone.

Consequently, the human being insists on being authentic and emphatic by developing a completely different language that represents facial gestures using letters and numbers.

What is really interesting about the meaning of 7w7 and UwU on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networks is that their meanings are attributed depending on the occasion or the subject of the conversation. That is, it may well mean something for one person and for another have a completely different meaning.

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