Social media

How to know the ip address of facebook and any other internet portal? Step by step guide

From the moment the company was started, Facebook has grown steadily in the number of interactions between users and the number of accounts that are opened every day.

Spain is one of the countries that has the most accounts open on Facebook, thus making us one of the most active users of this social network. For different security reasons, only the North American company can see the IP addresses of each of its users.

When, for different reasons, we need to know the IP address of someone who interacted with us, we have to follow some steps. That is why in this post we will present everything you need to know about the FB IP.

What characteristics define Facebook IP addresses?

Due to privacy policies, Facebook does not disclose the Internet Protocol addresses of users. If we would like to know or find the IP from which a message or conversation is not being sent, we could search for it through the different tools and the location of the Internet Protocol of the server to which we are hosted with our account will appear.

What we can do is see our IP that we use on Facebook, in order to know this information, we will follow the following steps:

  • We go to “Account”
  • We select the option “Account settings”
  • We press “Account security”
  • We click on “Change”
  • We look for “Location” and click on this option
  • And finally we choose “Recent activity” where the IP of our FB account will appear.

Why do I need to know the FB IP address?

We need to know the aforementioned Facebook address to be able to locate the people who send messages and that perhaps we do not know them or we do not know where they are really located.

As FB is one of the largest social networks that exist today, thousands of users through their biographies receive daily stories, photos and other stories from other users.

Surely we know cases of people who have received serious or harassing messages, when we want to see the IP address to know in what place or geographical area this person is located, we find, as we mentioned with the previous point, that we cannot know this information by privacy policies of the social network.

That is why Facebook has become countless cases of grooming, in this way we recommend from this site, report the messages of the harasser in the following way:

  • We open Facebook on our computer
  • We click on “Messages”
  • We select the conversation we want to report
  • We look for the option “Actions”
  • We click on “Report Spam or abuse” 

In addition to the previous recommendation, it is also necessary to keep in mind the privacy settings that we have in our user account in order not to receive this kind of messages.

Steps to know the IP of Facebook and any other domain on the Internet

There are different ways in which we can know an Internet Protocol address and from there we can determine the place where the computer or mobile device that connected to the Internet and sent the conversation or story is housed.

That is why we will talk about the different tools that exist to be able to determine exactly where the messages came from .

There are different orders that we can give our operating system to perform certain actions that can help us obtain the information we are looking for.

Commonly this in computing is called commands, and in order to access the command or instruction line in Windows, we will have to do it through what we call “cmd” .

In order to do these actions we will have to:

  • Look for the Windows or “Start” icon , which is located in the lower left corner of the screen
  • We will immediately write “cmd”
  • An application called “Command Prompt” will appear.
  • We will click on it and we will have just accessed the order line

Next, we will detail 2 commands and a third age lie so that you take it into account when it comes to finding an IP address:

Using the ping command

To use this command, we will do it through the host. Where we will write:

  • ping
  • We click on “Enter”

A list will appear with the IP address and the latency time measured in milliseconds that exists in having found this host.

If we need to know any other domain, for example, we will use the one on our site we will write in the same way as for Facebook:

  • ping

And so we can obtain the IP from any domain in a fast and practical way

Using the nslookup command

In the same way as the previous command, we will use this one. We enter the Windows command line and write:

  • nslookup
  • “Enter”

The domain name with its IP and MAC address will appear in the DOS window

With Online tools

As we have mentioned, we will now use online tools, which are completely free pages in which we can enter the domain of the page we want to search and the IP address will appear.

They are very easy to apply, they all have a search bar in which we will have to write the domain.

Some of these pages are:


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