Meet SSHGate SSH client for Firefox and Chrome browsers

SSHGate is an SSH client that we can install in Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome web browsers thanks to the extensions. This extension will allow us to connect to any remote SSH server, directly from our web browser, without the need to use specific SSH clients such as PuTTY or others. Today in RedesZone we are going to show you how to download, install and use this interesting extension.
SSHGate is an SSH client and a web-based terminal emulator that we can add in our Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser. Its main characteristics are that SSHGate is multi-user and multi-terminal. In order to install it, we just have to follow these simple steps.
How to install SSHGate on Google Chrome
The first thing to do is once the browser is open, go to ” Chrome Web Store ” and on the left side, at the top, enter the following ” sshgate ” in the search box and press the “enter” key. Automatically a single result will not appear, where we will simply have to click on ” add to Chrome “, located on the right side. Once clicked, a box will appear at the top, in the center of the browser, asking “Do you want to install” SSHGate SSH client and terminal emulator? “, We will have to click where it says” add extension “and it would already be installed in Google Chrome .

How to install SSHGate in Mozilla Firefox
In Mozilla Firefox, the first thing we should do is once the browser is open, go to ” Firefox Add-ons ” and on the right side, at the top, enter the following ” sshgate ” in the search box and press the “enter” key. ». Automatically a list of results will not appear and we must select the one that says « SSHGate SSH client and terminal emulator«. Once clicked on the result, we must click again on “add to Firefox” located in the center. Once clicked, a box will appear at the top of the browser asking “Add SSHGate SSH client and terminal emulator?” and we will have to click where it says “add” and then in the upper right it will ask us “Allow this extension to run in private windows” and we must check that box and click on “Okay, got it” and then it would already be installed in Mozilla Firefox .

How to run SSHGate in Firefox or Chrome
The first thing we must know is the IP, port and access codes of the server that we use SSH. In Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome the process is identical. To do this, once the browser we use is open, the first thing to do is click on the icon called SSHGate on the right side of the search bar and click on new session. Once opened, we must click in the middle where it says Terminal: SSH.
Once we have clicked, it will ask us for the data one by one. First, it asks us for the server’s IP address and then the port. You can enter a server name if you don’t have an IP address. Then it asks us for the user and the access password, and with this we would already be connected.
If we want to add or close an ssh terminal, we must click on the sidebar on the right called “Applications Chooser” where the first option with the symbol of an “X” is to close the current SSH terminal, the second symbol “+” is to create a new SSH terminal, the third option in the form of a “mine” is to access the preferences where you can change options such as background color, font size, font, or log in with a specific user.
The fourth option with the shape of four squares allows us to see all the terminals that we have open. And, finally, the star-shaped icon allows us to add or manage SSH addresses that we want to save in favorites.
The advantage of using this add-on for the browser is that, wherever we are, and we use the browser we use, since the process to be able to use it is identical, we will not have any problems or doubts about using different interfaces and this is a very important point to note. your favor.
As you have seen, this SSHGate extension is really interesting, since we will not have to install any additional software to connect to SSH servers and manage a router, switch or server through the command line.